Indiana Collegiate Action Network (ICAN)
is a statewide coalition of colleges and Universities in Indiana working to address high risk activities among students
Joining the coalition is free and provides access to additional resources, discussion and grant opportunities.

Indiana State University prioritizes mental health education
When the new Student Government Association (SGA) administration was elected, the group quickly went to work. At the top of its list was spreading awareness of mental health resources on campus.
In collaboration with Public Safety and Parking Services, SGA is putting mental health resources on the back of all incoming freshman’s student ID cards. (For students who got their card after June 5.) Listed on the back of the cards are the phone numbers for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and the ISU Student Counseling Center.

Commentary: If we had a nickel…
by Lisa Hutcheson
Prince Charles and Lady Diana were married. Ronald Reagan was inaugurated. Sandra Day O’Connor was appointed the first female judge on the Supreme Court. What do these events have in common? They all occurred in 1981…which is the last time the alcohol tax in Indiana was raised.
As far as I can tell, the alcohol tax is the only tax in Indiana that has not been raised in 42 years. Often called a “sin tax” (along with tobacco and gaming) this tax, unlike a sales tax, is levied in part to discourage the misuse of alcohol, which leads to increased costs for health care and behavioral health. Alcohol continues to be the most widely used drug by Indiana youth and adults.

Don’t miss this opportunity to collect important data on students’ use of substances, reasons for and consequences of substance use, what students think their peers are doing, and more. Learn more

Alcohol in the Time of COVID
Presented by Indiana Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking
April 22, 2021
Learn more